USDA Publishes National Hemp Report

USDA Estimates 2021 Crop Value of $824 Million

USDAThe USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) published the 2021 National Hemp Report compiled from survey data collected from hemp growers. The report estimates that in 2021, the value of hemp production in the open and under protection for the United States totaled $824 million.

NASS reports that there were 54,152 acres of hemp planted and 33,480 acres harvested in 2021. Area harvested for floral hemp was estimated at 16.0 thousand acres, acres harvested for fiber was estimated at 12,700, acres harvested for grain was estimated at 8,255 and acres harvested for seed was estimated at 3,255 acres.

United States floral hemp production for 2021 was estimated at 19.7 million pounds. U.S. production of hemp grown for grain in 2021 totaled 4.37 million pounds. U.S. production of hemp grown in the open for fiber was estimated at 33.2 million pounds.

“The National Hemp Report clearly documents the promising economic value of the 2021 hemp crop” stated Eric Steenstra, president of Vote Hemp. “The market has begun to stabilize and mature as markets for hemp grain and fiber begin to take hold.”

The full report can be found here.